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    2023-10-18 11:45:49

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代賬2.7元/天 · 注冊會計師代賬

工商財稅正規有保障。 信息保密、標準記賬憑證 >

今天,好順佳好順佳專門花了5、6個小時整理了一篇關于橫琴新區公司代理注冊的文章。簡單實用,不容錯過。建議您保存收藏! (一)在橫琴新區注冊公司需要準備哪些文件 1、注冊橫琴新區公司的要求如下: 1、公司名稱:需要準備好幾個名稱進行網上驗證,以及選擇通過高級別的公司名稱; 2、注冊資本:認購制和實繳制,認購制不需驗資,實繳制需要驗資;但部分行業需要實際繳費,具體繳費金額視具體行業而定; 3、辦公地址:在橫琴新區注冊公司,必須有地址。其中,營業地址、工地地址、公寓、工廠甚至自己的住所也可以注冊;如果您沒有這些地址,您可以在好順佳聯系我們,我們可以提供正式地址注冊。 2、辦理橫琴新區公司的資料如下: 1、公司登記申請表原件一份,由法人和股東簽字; 2、新公司章程原件一份,由法人和股東簽字; 3、公司負責人及股東身份證原件及復印件3份; 4、辦公地址租賃合同及場地使用證明;當地工商局要求的其他材料、承諾書及房產證復印件等。 (二)在橫琴新區注冊公司的詳細流程 1、進入登錄網站核對姓名,并提交公司名稱; 2、填寫注冊公司的所有信息; 3.工商登記號的保留; 4、按預約時間到工商局提交在橫琴新區注冊的公司信息; 5、取得新的工商營業執照原件; 6、刻一套備案印章; 7.開立一個基本銀行賬戶,只能開一個基本賬戶; 8、網上稅務登記和納稅申報,核實企業相關稅務信息; 9、開具發票(紙質普通發票、紙質專用發票、電子普通發票、電子專用發票等); 10、公司經營正常。很多朋友認為,一個剛剛起步的企業,可以正常開業經營。事實上,事實并非如此。我們還需要記賬并按時提交納稅申報表。It affects the credit rating of the company, so we have to operate according to the requirements. (3) Hengqin New District Company Name Reference Daquan Reference A: Weiman Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Aizhi Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Ningheng Cai Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Sijie Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Hezhu Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Guijing Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Henghe Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Xinhao Wen Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Feiyong Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Shangmei Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Dapai Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Xinshuo Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Longxiao Hengqin New District Co., Ltd. Reference B: Levi Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Shengxian Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Xingchen Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Shangzhan Furniture Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Zhuoxingda Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Hemuyang Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Mingzhu Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Beixiangmu Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Boliangde Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Taiying Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Tian Jinsen Hengqin New District Co., Ltd., Juntianyue 🍎Hengqin New District Ltd. (4) How much capital does a registered company in Hengqin New Area cost? 1. Seal engraving fee: If there is a preferential policy in the local area, you do not need to engrave it yourself, otherwise it will cost 300-600 yuan to engrave a set of seals; 2. Basic bank account Fee: This fee is set according to different banks, generally about 150 yuan to 600 yuan; this is an annual fee. 3. Service fee: The current market price of agency bookkeeping is very transparent and relatively low, generally only every Monthly 88 yuan -400 yuan can be. (5) The advantages of applying for a company in Hengqin New Area are as follows: 1. You can have your own independent company license, and the products or services have a brand effect; 2. Have more competitive advantages than the same industry, and have more trust in bidding; 3. .You can enjoy the national tax policy, and you can also apply for various subsidies from the enterprise. Don’t underestimate these subsidies, hundreds of thousands or millions are possible; 4. It can allow our enterprises to operate legally and compliantly. Licensed enterprises, some are forced to close shops or companies, and even face fines! Regarding the registration requirements and procedures of personal Hengqin New Area companies, we have sorted them out here, and now we will do不僅可以享受優惠政策,還可以獲得巨額補貼。如果您有在橫琴新區設立公司的想法,建議盡快聯系我們好順佳業務小陳,盡快啟動流程。我們的生意!注冊公司記賬代理





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